Thursday, February 23, 2012

Journey Road Thursday

Live intentionally this week. Meaning be present in every moment with every one you're spending time with. Savor the moments; don't let life just whiz by you.
What did you learn about your world that held a nugget of inspiration that you might not have seen?

Wow, I don't think I realized just how hard it can be living every moment intentionally. I think my biggest realization about this little journey was how easily life can side track you, and loving people is more than words of flattery.
So I actually did do this journey last week, but it was so challenging that I really wanted to take another week to try it as a do over.*smile* Last week, my husband was so busy with his company that I was left in a whirl wind of children and chores, some of which actually got done.  It was wonderful to be alone with my girls. I forgot how much I loved our time together. We took time to just play, dance and be silly. It was living in those moments that I now realize just how amazingly blessed my life is. My girls know they are loved, not because I tell them, but because I walk away from my chores or my computer or book to be with them.
Earlier this week I was able to spend time with one of my oldest girlfriends. It was so good to have her over and just hang, talking about everything and nothing in particular. As we were talking, I realized she had done for me, what I have done for my children...she chose to put aside leaving town early, so she could spend sometime with me! Oh the love!

Where to?
Inspiration comes from the world around you, but if you are not in the world you will have nothing to inspire you. Community is a beautiful source of inspiration, especially when you find someone who encourages you to be the best you.
In our home we believe you are always in one of two states of a relationship. You are either being a friend or making a friend. Take this week to be a friend to someone you haven't really spoken to in a while.

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of being present in the moment as you live life. The present moment is all we have. We live out our future only as our present moments meet the future. All of the riches in our life our only available for us to enjoy and embrace in the present. Living in the moment is something that definitely inspires me....I love that you are writing about it and encouraging it!!!!
