Thursday, February 9, 2012

Journey Road Thursday

Find someone in your life who inspires you and tell them why/how you are inspired by their life.

So it's been a while since I could sit down and write anything, let alone accomplish my destination. It is amazing how easily life takes off on you like a spooked horse! (By the way, not a fun feeling) First my girls were sick, both are doing better, thank you. But My Girl has had a persistent cough, ugh! I've been giving her warm honey water, with a splash of lemon.

Well, when you have sick children, leaving the house isn't really an option. So I wasn't able to accomplish my destination last week, but I did this week. I realized that this was not a phone call kind of conversation, which is the other reason it had to wait. The really cool part was that I was able to tell my friend Rebecca publicly that she inspires me to live more boldly in my faith. I am amazed by her tenacity to love people. While I was talking about how she inspired me, I was also sharing how hard it is for my family right now; but that it is amazing how God is sustaining us through the trials of unemployment. By the time I finished talking, our friends came around us, prayed for us and emptied their pockets before us. My Hubby & I were in tears, and Rebecca was admonishing me for my vulnerability with them, that I inspired her through my openness.

I think my take away from this little task was how profound one life touches another. Truly, iron sharpens iron and we are better for it when we have people in our lives who inspire us to live life fully.

Where to?
Live intentionally this week. Meaning be present in every moment with every one you're spending time with. Savor the moments; don't let life just whiz by you.
What did you learn about your world that held a nugget of inspiration that you might not have seen?

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